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** ——— **
** •Introduction **
Updated files in the Macros folder include several files written subsequent to the printing of the ProTERM manual. The structure of the file hierarchy within the folder is also changed. The single "Resident Macros" file as mentioned in the manual, as the “Resident Macros” is now partitioned, and several highly specialized files now carry the duties of the single file.
Macros Folder *
The Macros folder contains the startup and resident macro files and a "Read Me Macros" file. It also contains files which demonstrate the use of DIRC macros (see the ProTERM manual Index:DIRC) and a folder named Contributed, which contains several contributed sample macros that demonstrate the power and various uses and possibilities of ProTERM Macros the DIRC macro language.
Also see the file “Tips & Get Started” in the Help menu.
Since the macros are a dynamic part of ProTERM, much of the macro documentation is now included in electronic form as part of ProTERM. Choose DIRC Reference from the Help sub-menu to view the macro documentation.
The Resident Macros file present in earlier versions, is now divided into several specialized files. Resident Macros, is still the main file, and contains an assortment of startup, library and keyboard macros.
With this change, the Resident User file is designated and recognized as the "user modifiable" file, which can contain your personal macros. In prior versions, if an updated version of Resident Macros file was released, it could be difficult to locate all personal changes to the old version and move them to the new version. The personal Resident User file is changed only by the user, and unlike Resident Macros, are not subject to change by updates with new ProTERM files. Therefore Resident User macros are no longer at risk when new versions of Resident Macro file are installed.
The new Resident Macros format allows for the easy creation and installation of personalized resident macro files. The Extras folder contains a file named “Resident User Empty”. The file has the all the needed header info to get you started and automatically link whenever ProTERM is launched, or when the ProTERM Macros are rebuilt. To use this file, copy it to the Macros folder, and rename it so that the name starts as "Resident User” but ends with “ xxxx" (the remainder of the filename, as shown by “xxxx” can be your custom name). An example may look like “Resident User MyMacros”. You can customize the resulting file in the same way you would the Resident User xxxx file. Since the Resident User file is self-contained, it can be shared with other users to adopt the same macro features you develop.
* Startup Macro *
The “Startup Macro” file is the first macro file executed by ProTERM during application startup. Unless you have a specific reason, do not change the preference which makes Startup Macro the first macro executed. When the Startup Macro file executes, it to executes all other files in the Macros folder prefixed with "Startup" and then it executes the files prefixed with "Resident". This allows the addition and removal of macros by adding and removing files to the Macros folder.
* Startup Rebuild *
The Startup Rebuild file adds a command called "Rebuild Menu" to the Connect menu. This command is useful for bringing the Connect menu up to date if you use the Finder to change the contents of the Services folder while ProTERM is running. If you move the Startup Rebuild file out of the Macros folder, “Rebuild Menu” will disappear from the Connect menu the next time ProTERM is launched.
* Resident Library *
The Resident Library file is a collection of useful macros that automatically load and are available for use by other macros. We recommend that you do not make changes to this file, because when InTrec releases updated versions of Resident Library, personal changes may be lost. Add personalized library routines to the Resident User xxxx file.
* Resident Macros *
The Resident Macros file contains quite a bit of "macro glue" to make ProTERM operate smoothly. New DIRC functions are often implemented as macro code within this file. You should avoid changing this file since updated versions may be distributed periodically.
* Resident User xxxx *
The “Resident User xxxx” (replace “xxxx” with the name of your choice) file is a file which is especially to be personalized. Unlike Resident Library and Resident Macros, this file is rarely (if ever) updated, and if it was, we would bring your attention to the change. As a result, you can make changes within this file, and those changes will still work if you get an updated version of the Resident Macros or Resident Library file.
*** <>AutoTime ***
While the AutoTime macro file is a superb example of a stand-alone macro, it is also a very useful utility. The AutoTime macro uses your modem to call a national time server (a computer connected to a very precise clock) and with your permission, automatically adjusts your Macintosh system clock. To use AutoTime, choose the Exec command from the File menu, select AutoTime within the Macros folder and follow the instructions.
For AutoTime to work correctly, you must first choose the Map control panel and set your Macintosh location and time zone to your location.
1- Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu
2- Double-click on the Map control panel
3- Set your location on the map
4- Click the Set button.
This allows ProTERM to determine the time zone difference between the location of your Macintosh and the world standard GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
NOTE: Some modems have difficulty connecting to the Naval Observatory time server due to the use of their very old 1200 bps modems. If you find you have trouble connecting to one of the time servers, try the other. Note also that these are long distance toll calls for most users.
*** <>Contributed ***
The contributed folder contains a collection of macros and ProTERM related materials which have been contributed by ProTERM users. These macros provide excellent and useful utilities as well as examples for those interested in developing their own macro applications. Much of the contributed macro code includes documentation. Questions regarding the contributed code must be sent to the code authors, not to InTrec Software. While there are no known problems with any of the items in the Contributed folder, proceed with normal caution and understand that the macros are there as examples and you USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you find useful examples and desire further development, the authors will be happy to accommodate you. Request their development fee schedules.
If you develop macros that you would like to have on exhibit and/or distributed with ProTERM, contact us at proterm@intrec.com email address.
** Macro Changes **
The DIRC Documentation provides an current organized overview of all the functions available for use in the design and authoring of DIRC language macros. In addition to this, the following notes detail other import macro issues.
* Keyboard Macro Clarifications *
When choosing keyboard combinations to bind to Keyboard Macros as part of your keyboard macros, avoid using the keys referred to as the “dead-keys.” Dead-keys require two separate keystrokes to generate a single character. Recognized dead-keys are: OPTION+E, OPTION+U, OPTION+I, OPTION+N, and OPTION+`.
* Special Folder Aliases *
To aid macro development ProTERM defines three special “aliases” which can be used within pathnames. When these aliases are used within a pathname, they give a symbolic representation to folders which ProTERM considers significant. These “aliases” work under both System 7 and System 6. The aliases are:
.APPL: The folder containing the ProTERM application program.
.SYST: The folder containing the active system software.
.PREF: The folder containing the ProTERM preference files.
IF (IS_FILE(".APPL:Test File")) { ... }
EXTERN(".PREF:My-Macros", main());
* Selecting Files from a File Dialog *
The UI_SET() function can actually be used to select files in a file dialog window. There are several “fake” item names which are used to identify what is being selected.
file: Selects a file or its to a list of files.
path: Changes the folder to that specified.
type: Changes the file type pop-up menu.
UI_SET("file", ".APPL:My-file");
UI_SET("path", ".PREF:");
UI_SET("file", "HD20:Files:File-List");
UI_SET("type", "All Files");
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